It’s a sin not to share the strongest revelation I had received in my entire life. It made a 360° turn of how I see and perceive heaven. Heaven is not just a place of safety. Heaven is not just a security blanket. Heaven is not just a place to be recognized for your “achievements” in the Kingdom of God. Heaven is God himself.
"The Kingdom of Heaven is at hand," is a phrase repeated at the new testament 32 times. Why is that?
“The time has come,” he said. “The kingdom of God has come near. Repent and believe the good news!”
— Mark 1:15
This phrase pertains to the spiritual realm overlapping the Earth temporarily.
Heaven and earth was separated because of sin (result of disobedience). Our forefathers Adam and Eve were made exile at this place of safety. Since we are separated from His presence, as our other half, He made a way for us to be reconnected again. In the old testament temples were made as the temporary dwelling place of God. The holy of holies is where God’s presence is the strongest. Blood purifies the place—removing sin, the thing that made us be separated from God. Now you may ask, out of all things that purifies sin, why blood? Because life is in the blood (Leviticus 17:11). The opposite of death (sin) is life. Life cures death.
When Jesus was finally born, heaven and earth overlapped through him. He is a God and is a human too. He is heaven and earth combined. He makes the Kingdom of God at hand. He poured his blood to purify Earth thus making heaven dwell within us again. The blood of Jesus purifies not just the land but our bodies—the temple of the Holy Spirit. As God’s dwelling place, we could access the Holy of holies—a place most intimate with God. With that, our intimate connection with the Lord has been reconnected.
Heaven is at the palm of our hands, we just have to see it. The Holy Spirit allows us to access the Spiritual realm. It enables our spiritual senses open — to taste and see how the Lord is good and holy. It enables us to know what “life” really means.
Our life isn’t primarily about our calling. Yes, those are praiseworthy and glorifying things. But life and our life’s purpose is to be able to love and be loved by God. Intimacy with the Lord is "heaven." Being able to be with the Lord anywhere and talk to Him anytime is heaven. As the famous song say “I’d rather had bad times with you, than good times with someone else.” Bad times and bad things may come in our life, but with God with us, we don’t have to wait to be in heaven to be in heaven. Heaven is not a place, it is a person. And that person is Jesus.
Wisdom will save you also from the adulterous woman, from the wayward woman with her seductive words, who has left the partner of her youth and ignored the covenant she made before God. Surely her house leads down to death and her paths to the spirits of the dead. None who go to her return or attain the paths of life.
— Proverbs 2:16-19